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  • Writer's pictureBradley McBride

Tinto Cão - An Overview

The Comeback Kid


Where It’s Grown

Grown primarily in the Douro region of Portugal, Tinto Cão is one of the main varieties used in port production. Until recently, plantings of the grape were on the decline so much so that the grape was bordering on extinct. Now the varietal is considered one of the finer grapes used for port and plantings are on the rise.

There are additional plantings throughout the country though none to the extent as in the Douro. In Dão, Tinto Cão is viewed less favorably due to a lack of consistency in ripening throughout the region, although there are some outstanding examples to be found.

California has a few acres planted to Tinto Cão, however, they are almost all at the UC Davis experimental vineyards. Australia also has some vineyard space dedicated to the grape, just not enough to be statistically relevant.


Tinto Cão is a low yielding variety which was problematic in the 1800s when there was more of an emphasis on higher yields. Nowadays, the lower yields are viewed more favorably and the grape is roaring back in fashion. Plantings are on the rise and you will even see some bottles featuring the grape on the label.

The variety is late to ripen so vineyard growers must find sites that allow for a longer growing season.


Tinto Cão doesn’t go by too many different names most likely due to the fact that the variety is not propagated extensively outside of the Douro in Portugal.

In Australia, in the rare instance where you do see the grape, the feminine version, Tinta Cão, is what will be printed on the label. Additionally, you may see the name Farmento although this term is not very widely used.

In The Glass

Tinto Cão is a very aromatic red varietal eliciting scents of wildflowers and deep red fruits. Powerful and tannic yet at the same time elegant, this grape is capable of producing wines with the ability to age for quite some time.

Producers of Note

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