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  • Writer's pictureBradley McBride

Blanc du Bois - An Overview

What du What?


Where It's Grown

Blanc du Bois is a hybrid varietal that is planted mainly in the southeastern United States. Predominately found in Texas and Florida, there are also a few vineyards to be found in Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina.

Blanc du Bois was created by University of Florida’s John Mortensen at the university’s Central Florida Research and Education Center. The varietal was created in response to winemakers looking for a solution to Pierce’s Disease; a bacterial disease found primarily in the Gulf region of the United States that can quickly devastate vineyards and which there is no cure. Seen primarily as an American varietal, there are no international plantings of Blanc du Bois; at least any that have been documented, a French law from 1934 banned the use of six American varietals and hybrids due to their perceived foxy odor and the stigma associated with any other American vines has stuck.


One of Blanc du Bois’ most desirable traits is the grapevines resistance to Pierce’s Disease. In addition, this grape does not need to be grafted on to phylloxera resistant rootstock as it already possess that quality.

As one can surmise from the name, this grape produces white wine that can be either sweet or dry, still or sparkling, table or dessert wine.

Blanc du Bois is a fairly early ripening varietal (harvest can occur as early as the first half of July) and tolerant of dry, hot climates making it an attractive option for winemakers in the southern United States concerned about late season maladies such as rain or, at the other extreme, drought.


Considering Blanc du Bois is a relatively young grape, there are not many other names that this grape goes by. Occasionally you will see Blanc duBois where the two words “du” and “Bois” are joined together or the technical name Florida H18-37.

In The Glass

Blanc du Bois is a somewhat aromatic varietal reminiscent of Muscat or Torrontés. In some years, Blanc du Bois can display a certain amount of acidity and freshness.

As a hybrid of Vitis aestivalis, Vitis labrusca, Vitis simpsonii, and Vitis vinifera, it is understandable that one would be concerned there may be some foxy characteristics particularly on the nose. Fortunately, Blanc du Bois does not display any such foxiness.

Producers of Note

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