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  • Writer's pictureBradley McBride

Bell Mountain AVA - An Overview

That Bell Can’t Be Unrung



Located in central Texas, more specifically in northeastern Gillespie County, and centered around the mountain of the same name, Bell Mountain AVA consists of 3200 acres. Now that may sound like a lot of land but records indicate that only about 70 acres are dedicated to grapevines and the entire Bell Mountain AVA is fully contained within the Texas Hill Country AVA.

Submitted to the ATF for approval by Texas grape grower Robert P. Oberhelman, the AVA was finally approved on November 10, 1986 as the first designated wine grape growing region in Texas.

The soil found in the Bell Mountain AVA is non-calcareous, sandy, loam, with a light sandy clay subsoil. What makes this soil unique, and in part is a major reason the area was granted AVA status in the fist place, is trace amounts of acidity whereas most soil in the area is calcareous or lime-bearing.


Known as Bell Mountain by settlers in the mid nineteenth century, the mountain around which the Bell Mountain AVA is composed is a fairly dry region, even by Texas‘ standards. Bell Mountain AVA is considered drier than Pedernales Valley to the south and Llano Valley to the north while being considerably cooler thanks in part to its higher elevation and the cooling breeze that engulfs the region.

On the upside, mildew should not be as much of a concern to grape growers as it is in other parts of the state; looking at you Houston.


The only information available lists the varieties as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Riesling. While I have no reason to believe otherwise, my gut tells me this isn’t entirely accurate and I plan to follow up on this information on subsequent visits.


Currently, there are no producers listed for the Bell Mountain AVA. The Google machine indicates a winery named Bell Mountain Vineyard and Winery existed at one point but now appears to be defunct. Again, I will follow up during my next visit to the region.

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